Áman Áman ehf Tangarhöfða 2, 110 Reykjavík Sími 533 1020 | Fax 533 1021 Opið virka daga frá kl. 13:00 til 17:00 Netfang: aman@aman.is 14. mar 2025 14. mar 2025 https://aman.is/_rss/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers/ Coopers Thomas Series <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="brew_glass_ipa_2" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61c6b5670c.jpg" class=""></span></span> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers/Coopers_Thomas_Series/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers/Coopers_Thomas_Series/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers International Series <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="canadian-blonde_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61c468cd1e.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers/Coopers_International_Series/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers/Coopers_International_Series/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers Original Series <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="diy-lager_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61c223fb42.jpg" class=""></span></span> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers/Coopers_Original_Series/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers/Coopers_Original_Series/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers Innkeeper's Daughter Sparkling Ale <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="innkeeper_s-daughter-sparkling-ale-_-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/59566f2b1df93.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Coopers Sparkling Ale is considered to be the big brother of Coopers Original Pale Ale - displaying fruity esters on the nose, full malty palate with firm hop bitterness and a clean finish. Its origins date back to the late 1800s when Thomas Cooper &amp; Sons produced only ale and stout. Although Coopers now offer numerous varieties of ale, links to the original product remain, with employees at the Brewery referring to Sparkling Ale as just “ale”. Perhaps not so surprising, when many other old terms, such as “pints”and “quarts”, are aired around the Brewery still! This recipe produces a beer with emphasis on malt. We think fermentation using a Coopers Commercial Ale yeast culture will give a result even closer to the real thing! Ingredients</p> <pre><code>1.7kg Thomas Coopers Inkeeper's Daughter Sparkling Ale 3 x 500g Coopers Light Dry Malt 300g Coopers Dextrose Coopers Carbonation Drops Colour: Gold Body: Heavy Bitterness: Medium/High Approx. Alcohol Level: 5.8% ABV Naturally Carbonated: Natural </code></pre> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Sparkling_Ale/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Sparkling_Ale/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers Family Secret Amber Ale <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="family-secret-amber-ale-_-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/59565e6ead889.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Thomas Cooper had two wives and 19 children, who went on to have children and grandchildren of their own. It is not surprising then that today 5th and 6th generation Coopers oversee and work at the brewery. They are the custodians of all the family secrets.</p> <p>Luckily for beer lovers, an Amber Ale recipe is one of the secrets passed down by the members of the Cooper family. Rich deep copper in colour, this mid bodied Ale has a biscuity malt palate balanced by toffee caramel sweetness and a nutty finish with citrus hop notes. Certainly a secret worth sharing.</p> <pre><code>Colour : 420 EBC Bitterness : 500 IBU </code></pre> <p>Recommended to be brewed with:</p> <pre><code>1kg Coopers Light Dry Malt Coopers Carbonation Drops </code></pre> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Heritage_Lager/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Heritage_Lager/ 06. apr 2016 Coppers Canadian Blonde <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="canadian-blonde_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61a7b652ad.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Pale Straw colour. Crisp pale malt aromas with a hint of spicy hops, clean pale malt flavours and a light-bodied palate that finishes with obvious hop bitterness. Perfect for summer drinking.</p> <p>Colour : 70EBC Bitterness : 420IBU</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coppers_Canadian_Blonde/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coppers_Canadian_Blonde/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers Eruopean Lager <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="european-lager_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61abdc26c0.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Coopers European Lager captures the style of the finest quality lagers exported from Northern Europe. Serve well chilled in a tall, narrow glass with a generous head of 5cm or so and savour the herbaceous hop aroma and crisp finish.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Eruopean_Lager/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Eruopean_Lager/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers Bootmaker Pale Ale <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="bootmaker-pale-ale-_-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/59d37d67578b4.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Thomas Cooper’s first occupation in Adelaide was as a bootmaker in the small village of Kensington, three miles east of the city. He plied his original trade a few doors down from the Rising Sun Inn where, in later years, he’d get his foot in the door with his very own Ales.</p> <p>After Thomas hung up his cobbler’s boots, he turned his hand to brewing beers like this American-style Pale Ale.... https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Traditional_Draught/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Traditional_Draught/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers Australian Bitter <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="Trad" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e619f1c863f.png&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>A beer style which captures the characteristics of popular Australian bitters - light in colour, clean mouthfeel with a quenching bitter finish.</p> <p>Colour : 70EBC Bitterness : 495IBU</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Australian_Bitter/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Australian_Bitter/ 06. apr 2016 Coopers Preacher´s Hefe Wheat Beer <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="preacher_s-hefe-wheat-_-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/595671d1c0ce4.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>It may come as a surprise but as well as being a brewer Thomas Cooper was also a lay Preacher. This was all above aboard. In the mid 1900s the Methodists praised the brewing of beer as a respectable trade, which “provided the working man with good, wholesome malt liquor.”</p> <p>Today the working man’s prayers are answered with this Belgian style wheat beer. It’s a bright hazy gold with soft texture, banana and clove aromas, smooth creamy white head and refreshingly tart finish. Of course, if you’ve already tried it, we're preaching to the converted.</p> <pre><code>Colour : 65 EBC Bitterness : 340 IBU </code></pre> <p>Recommended to be brewed with:</p> <pre><code>1.5kg Coopers Wheat Malt Extract Coopers Carbonation Drops </code></pre> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Wheat_Beer/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Wheat_Beer/ 23. feb 2012 Coopers Dark Ale <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="diy-dark-ale_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61b534c9d7.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Rich mahogany colour and a creamy head. Roasted malt aromas with a hint of chocolate, generous mouthfeel dominated by roasted malt flavours, sufficient hop bitterness to give balance and a dry finish. A favourite amongst dark beer drinkers.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Dark_Ale/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Dark_Ale/ 27. sep 2011 Coopers Brew A IPA <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="brew-a-ipa-_-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/595670c0eef8d.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Thomas Cooper’s first recorded brew was designated brew “A”. According to his brewing log, dated 13th May 1862, “A” contained four bushels of Malt and eight pounds of Kent hops in 46 gallons of water, which he made into a Pale Ale and a slightly heavier Ale.</p> <p>This American style IPA is made in the tradition of that heavier Ale. Full bodied with deep amber and reddish hues, its tropical, citrusy, grapefruit notes and toasty amber malt balances the clean, hop filled, bitter finish. You won’t believe Thomas used to sell it for seven schillings a dozen.</p> <pre><code>Colour : 230 EBC Bitterness : 830 IBU </code></pre> <p>Recommended to be brewed with:</p> <p>To make 23 litres:</p> <pre><code>1.5kg Coopers Light Dry Malt Coopers Carbonation Drops </code></pre> <p>To make 20 litres:</p> <pre><code>1kg Coopers Light Dry Malt Coopers Carbonation Drops </code></pre> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Indian_Pale_Ale/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Indian_Pale_Ale/ 27. sep 2011 Coopers Irish Stout <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="irish-stout-_-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/59d2792c38c40.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>A rich, dark brew displaying coffee, chocolate and licorice aromatics, roasty bitter notes with a dry finish.</p> <p>Thomas Coopers Irish Stout is an authentic recipe containing a blend of malted barley, roasted barley, flaked barley and hops. The pour will show a turbulent, cascading tan foaming action. Eventually, this settles into a creamy beige coloured head that rests atop the... https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Irish_Stout/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Irish_Stout/ 27. sep 2011 Coopers Mexican Cerveza <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="mexican-cerveza_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61af813d28.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Mexico is known for its arid lands, dusty conditions and oppressive heat. So it’s not surprising that the people of Mexico are expert at quenching a thirst.</p> <p>Coopers Mexican Cerveza emulates the style of the finest quality beers exported from Mexico. This premium beer is light in style with a fresh clean taste, ideally served ice-cold with a wedge of lime or lemon.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Mexican_Cerveza/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Mexican_Cerveza/ 26. sep 2011 Coopers Australian Pale Ale <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="aussie-pale-ale_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61a61e97b4.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Due to popular demand our master brewers have developed a beer concentrate in the style of the famous COOPERS ORIGINAL PALE ALE which is considered an Australian icon.</p> <p>The finest 2-row barley, hops and specially selected yeast combine to produce a beer with fruity and floral characters, balanced with a crisp bitterness and compelling flavour perfect for every occasion.</p> <p>Colour :... https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Australian_Pale/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Australian_Pale/ 26. sep 2011 Coopers 86 Days Pilsner <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="86-days-pilsner-_-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/5a05867863d28.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Thomas Cooper, his wife Ann and their two children set sail for Australia from Plymouth, England aboard the SS Omega on the 29th May 1852. The treacherous sea voyage took 86 days and seemed like an eternity but they finally reached the sunny shores of Adelaide on the 24th August.</p> <p>86 Days Pilsner pays homage to the journey Thomas took to make a fresh start for his family. It’s golden in... https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Pilsner/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Pilsner/ 06. feb 2007 Coopers Draught <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="diy-draught_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61b6bdd1f7.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Humla, bygg og maltþykni ætlað í 25 lítra. Ljós bjór, svipaður Lager en aðeins kröftugri.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Draught/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Draught/ 06. feb 2007 Coopers Real Ale <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="diy-real-ale_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61bd6502c4.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Humla, bygg og maltþykkni ætlað í 25 lítra. Hálfdökkur bjór, frískandi og frekar kraftmikill.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Real_Ale/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Real_Ale/ 06. feb 2007 Coopers Lager <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="diy-lager_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61bbfbdba1.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Humla, bygg og maltþykkni ætlað í 25 lítra. Ljós bjór og mildur. Gerjast við 10-18 °C.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Lager/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Lager/ 06. feb 2007 Coopers Stout <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="diy-stout_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61b9c08c00.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Humla, bygg og maltþykkni ætlað í 25 lítra. Svartur bjór, líkist Guinnes.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Stout/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Stout/ 06. feb 2007 Coopers English Bitter <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="english-bitter_with-glass" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58e61aa20e949.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Coopers English Bitter is a brown copper colour with red hues and a creamy head. It displays a pleasing floral aroma with a blend of toasty/sweet malt flavours finishing with a firm bitter finish. It may be served slightly less chilled, if desired.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Bitter/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Coopers_Bitter/ 06. feb 2007