Áman Áman ehf Tangarhöfða 2, 110 Reykjavík Sími 533 1020 | Fax 533 1021 Opið virka daga frá kl. 11:00 til 17:00 Netfang: aman@aman.is 06. feb 2025 06. feb 2025 https://aman.is/_rss/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/ Muntons Spraymalt <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="spraymalt-group" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/580760a491a56.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Spraymalt will improve the quality of any beer kit when used in place of sugar. It will brew beers which are less ‘dry’, with more richness, body and improved head formation and retention. Hopped Spraymalt will add an extra ‘hoppy’ bite to all the beers you make. Suggested uses:</p> <p>1 Replace 50/50 with sugar – 1/2 kg sugar plus 1/2 kg Spraymalt (1 pack). Use this in any beer kit recipe... https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/Spraymalt/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/Spraymalt/ 19. okt 2016 Medium Malt Extract <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntons-medium-malt-extract-1-8-kg-3412-700x700" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58075f9d8c198.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>An excellent quality medium malt extract made from the finest English malting barley</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Medium_Malt_Extract/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Medium_Malt_Extract/ 19. okt 2016 Dark Malt Extract <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="Dark-low-res-web-crop-1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58075bb6f3fea.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Chocolate malt, crystal malt and pale malt is used in the manufacture of Muntons dark malt extract. Ideal for recipes designed to brew Milds, porters and Stouts.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Dark_Malt_Extract/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Dark_Malt_Extract/ 19. okt 2016 Light Malt Extract <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="Light-low-res-web-crop-1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58075a4e9f35e.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Selected English lager malt is used to produce this fine consistent light malt extract.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Light_Malt_Extract/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Light_Malt_Extract/ 19. okt 2016 Muntons Hand Crafted Range <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntonshandcrafted" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/580667d51c4c3.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Muntons Hand Crafted 3.6 kg beer kits</p> <p>Our new Muntons Hand Crafted range brew without doubt the very best beers possible from any beer kit available on the market today.</p> <p>The range offers unique beers formulated to make brewing at home fool proof. Each kit contains uniquely developed and individually canned extracts of the best brewing malts and finest choice hops.</p> <h4><a... https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/Muntons_Hand_Crafted_Range/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/Muntons_Hand_Crafted_Range/ 18. okt 2016 Oaked Ale 3,6kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntonshandcrafted-oakedale1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/57fccdc7e7ce5.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Rich and mellow with a wondeful ‘oaked’ character to recreate the taste of ales stored and served from aged oak casks. With this kit we’ve done the hard work for you so you can make delicious world class beers without fear of failure. Every beer style in the range has been carefully formulated with it’s own unique and specific ingredients, expertly blended by Muntons, to allow you to easily recreate authentic craft beer of outstanding quality. We have purposely kept the brewing process ultra simple, so that you can enjoy both the making and the drinking of these very special modern-classic ales.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Oaked_Ale_3,6kg/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Oaked_Ale_3,6kg/ 11. okt 2016 Midas Touch Golden Ale 3,6kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntonshandcrafted-midastouch1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/57fccd30b785a.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>With a stunning golden colour and zingy, hoppy flavour, this is a delicious example of a true ‘summer ale’ – easy on the palate yet satisfying to the full. With this kit we’ve done the hard work for you so you can make delicious world class beers without fear of failure. Every beer style in the range has been carefully formulated with it’s own unique and specific ingredients, expertly blended by Muntons, to allow you to easily recreate authentic craft beer of outstanding quality. We have purposely kept the brewing process ultra simple, so that you can enjoy both the making and the drinking of these very special modern-classic ales.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Midas_Touch_Golden_Ale/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Midas_Touch_Golden_Ale/ 11. okt 2016 Old Conkerwood Black Ale 3,6kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntonshandcrafted-oldconkerwood1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/57fcce2eedf65.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>With a colour reminiscent of Autumn Conkers, this distinctive ‘black ale’ has a rich malty flavour balanced with a subtle dry bitterness. With this kit we’ve done the hard work for you so you can make delicious world class beers without fear of failure. Every beer style in the range has been carefully formulated with it’s own unique and specific ingredients, expertly blended by Muntons, to allow you to easily recreate authentic craft beer of outstanding quality. We have purposely kept the brewing process ultra simple, so that you can enjoy both the making and the drinking of these very special modern-classic ales.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Old_Conkerwood_Black_Ale_3,6kg/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Old_Conkerwood_Black_Ale_3,6kg/ 11. okt 2016 Belgian Style Ale 3,6kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntonshandcrafted-belgianstyle1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/57fccc5c627ec.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>A strong, vibrant ale, double fermented using a true Belgian ‘Saison’ yeast to really develop the intense notes. With this kit we’ve done the hard work for you so you can make delicious world class beers without fear of failure. Every beer style in the range has been carefully formulated with it’s own unique and specific ingredients, expertly blended by Muntons, to allow you to easily recreate authentic craft beer of outstanding quality. We have purposely kept the brewing process ultra simple, so that you can enjoy both the making and the drinking of these very special modern-classic ales.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/MCR_Belgian_Style_Ale_3,6kg/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/MCR_Belgian_Style_Ale_3,6kg/ 11. okt 2016 Smugglers Special Ale 3,6kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntonshandcrafted-smugglersspecial1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/57fcce904ca3d.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>A true premium ale with a heady balance of aromatic hops and malty sweetness but beware, drink with care, as one glass begs another! With this kit we’ve done the hard work for you so you can make delicious world class beers without fear of failure. Every beer style in the range has been carefully formulated with it’s own unique and specific ingredients, expertly blended by Muntons, to allow you to easily recreate authentic craft beer of outstanding quality. We have purposely kept the brewing process ultra simple, so that you can enjoy both the making and the drinking of these very special modern-classic ales.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Smugglers_Special_Ale_3,6kg/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Smugglers_Special_Ale_3,6kg/ 11. okt 2016 American Style IPA 3,6kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="muntonshandcrafted-americanipa1" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/57fccb3b8e823.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Wonderful floral and citrus hop notes sing on the palate, balanced by a warm, sweet malt finish. With this kit we’ve done the hard work for you so you can make delicious world class beers without fear of failure. Every beer style in the range has been carefully formulated with it’s own unique and specific ingredients, expertly blended by Muntons, to allow you to easily recreate authentic craft beer of outstanding quality. We have purposely kept the brewing process ultra simple, so that you can enjoy both the making and the drinking of these very special modern-classic ales.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/MCR_American_IPA_3,6kg/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/MCR_American_IPA_3,6kg/ 11. okt 2016 Spraymalt Medium 0,5kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="spraymalt_medium" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58076114be125.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Rich malt flavour, ideal for bitters. Boosts the beers’ natural body and results in a more rounded, mellow note to the final brew.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/4lahi2/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/4lahi2/ 11. feb 2015 Spraymalt dark 0,5kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="spraymalt_dark" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/580761a4c4853.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>A superb addition to any Stout, Porter or Brown Ale. Dark Spraymalt will improve the body, adding extra rich malt flavour and natural colour.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/06chas/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/06chas/ 11. feb 2015 Muntons Malt Extract <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="cannedmalt-group-300x218" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58075be0a2f44.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Malt Extracts</p> <p>Muntons range of canned malt extracts for the home beer making market are made exclusively from the finest English 2 row barley. They are produced by the aqueous extraction of sugars from malted barley and are subsequently concentrated into a viscous syrup. They are a valuable source of fermentable sugars, provide natural colouring and impart their traditional rich malty... https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/Muntons_Malt_Extract/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/Muntons_Malt_Extract/ 04. okt 2011