Áman Áman ehf Tangarhöfða 2, 110 Reykjavík Sími 533 1020 | Fax 533 1021 Opið virka daga frá kl. 11:00 til 17:00 Netfang: aman@aman.is 26. des 2024 26. des 2024 https://aman.is/_rss/Vorur/Bjor/Muntons_Homebrewing/Spraymalt/ Spraymalt dark 0,5kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="spraymalt_dark" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/580761a4c4853.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>A superb addition to any Stout, Porter or Brown Ale. Dark Spraymalt will improve the body, adding extra rich malt flavour and natural colour.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/06chas/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/06chas/ 11. feb 2015 Spraymalt Medium 0,5kg <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="spraymalt_medium" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/58076114be125.jpg" class=""></span></span><p>Rich malt flavour, ideal for bitters. Boosts the beers’ natural body and results in a more rounded, mellow note to the final brew.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/4lahi2/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Bjor/4lahi2/ 11. feb 2015