Áman Áman ehf Tangarhöfða 2, 110 Reykjavík Sími 533 1020 | Fax 533 1021 Opið virka daga frá kl. 13:00 til 17:00 Netfang: aman@aman.is 07. mar 2025 07. mar 2025 https://aman.is/_rss/Vorur/Hvitvin/Vinberjathykkni_5L/ NN Chardonnay 5L <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="Nonne Noir 5L" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/6122944e41303.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Chardonnay is dry, medium- to full-bodied with moderate tannins and acidity. It typically has tropical fruit flavors (think pineapple, papaya, and mango) although it's not sweet. If Chardonnay is aged in oak barrels, it will have a creamier texture and buttery taste with hints of vanilla and spice.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/NN_Chardonnay_5L/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/NN_Chardonnay_5L/ 22. ágú 2021 NN Piesporter 5L <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="Nonne Noir 5L" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/612294f8bfaca.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>This wine is pleasingly fruity with hints of apple and pear and a touch of citrus on the finish.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/NN_Piesporter_5L/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/NN_Piesporter_5L/ 22. ágú 2021 NN Liebfraümilch 5L <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="Nonne Noir 5L" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/6122936c84ec2.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Citrus, Pear, Yellow Apple, Red Apple, and Grape Juice are typical Liebfraumilch flavors.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/NN_Liebframilch_5L/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/NN_Liebframilch_5L/ 22. ágú 2021 NN Sauvignon Blanc 5L <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="Nonne Noir 5L" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/6122927c0d814.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Some of the most common tasting notes of Sauvignon Blanc include: Fruit flavors such as white peach, grapefruit, lime, pear, passion fruit, and other tropical fruit. Herbaceous hints of cut grass, lemongrass, and tarragon. Spicy notes of green bell pepper, jalapeño, vanilla, nutmeg, and clove.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/Vino_Ego_White_Wine_5L/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/Vino_Ego_White_Wine_5L/ 05. nóv 2010 NN Sherry 5L <span class="img img_align_left" style="margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"><span class="actual_img"><img alt="vinsats-nonne-noir" idx="0" data-prefix="thumb/200/0" src="https://aman.is/thumb/200/0/images/sent/52386a2a0bff0.jpg&cut=0p%3A0p" class=""></span></span><p>Sherry cooking wine has a sweet aroma and golden color. Its taste is close to a dry drinking sherry with a slightly nutty flavor. The sherry base is fortified with brandy, which is added to the sherry after it has fermented. This brings the alcohol content to 17%.</p> https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/Sherry_Nonne_Noir/ https://aman.is/Vorur/Hvitvin/Sherry_Nonne_Noir/ 06. maí 2005