Black Russian Fill Up 500ml


The Black Russian er blanda af vodka og kaffi. Stundum er drykknum blandað við Cola en þá kallast hann Dirty Black Russian. Algengt er að drykknum sé helt út í glas með klökum eða ískurli. Síðan er kaffilíkjör bætt út í. The Black Russian is a cocktail of vodka and coffee liqueur (usually three parts vodka to two parts coffee liqueur, per the Kahlúa bottle's label, or five parts vodka to two parts coffee liqueur, per IBA specified ingredients) and sometimes mixed with Cola. When topped with Cola, it is referred to as a Dirty Black Russian, as opposed to Clean when without it. Traditionally the drink is made by pouring the vodka over ice cubes or cracked ice in an old-fashioned glass, followed by the coffee liqueur.[


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