Singapore Sling Fill Up 500ml
Hinn frægi Singapore Sling drykkur var þróaður af Raffel hótelinu í Singapore. Drykkurinn er í dag álitinn þjóðardrykkur Singapore. Til eru margar útgáfur af drykknum og hefur hann víðast hvar verið einfaldaður frá því sem áður var. Uppistaðan er Tom Collins með fljótandi "chery brandy". Oftast er sódavatni blandað við.
The Singapore Sling was created at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore, and to this day it remains the hotel's signature drink, and it is considered a de facto national drink of Singapore. There are many versions of Singapore Sling. Most bars nowadays serve a highly simplified version of this drink, which amounts to little more than a Tom Collins with a float of cherry brandy. Most versions include club soda; however, the version served at the Raffles Hotel contains no club soda.
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